Development, Implementation, and Review of Guidelines and Goals

Wellness Plan

Nutrition Guidelines

Foods and Beverages Sold

Foods and Beverages Provided

The District shall support the general wellness of all students by implementing measureable goals to promote sound nutrition and student health and to reduce childhood obesity.

[See EHAA for information regarding the District’s coordinated school health program.]

The local school health advisory council (SHAC), on behalf of the District, shall review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques and shall develop nutrition guidelines and wellness goals as required by law. In the development, implementation, and review of these guidelines and goals, the SHAC shall permit partic- ipation by parents, students, representatives of the District’s food service provider, physical education teachers, school health profes- sionals, members of the Board, school administrators, and mem- bers of the public.

[See BDF for required membership of the SHAC.]

The SHAC shall develop a wellness plan to implement the District’s nutrition guidelines and wellness goals. The wellness plan shall, at a minimum, address:

Strategies for soliciting involvement by and input from persons in- terested in the wellness plan and policy;

Objectives, benchmarks, and activities for implementing the well- ness goals;

Methods for measuring implementation of the wellness goals;

The District’s standards for foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day on a school campus; and

The manner of communicating to the public applicable information about the District’s wellness policy and plan.

The SHAC shall review and revise the plan on a regular basis and recommend revisions to the wellness policy when necessary.

The District’s nutrition guidelines for reimbursable school meals and all other foods and beverages sold or marketed to students during the school day shall be designed to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity and shall be at least as restrictive as federal regulations and guidance. [See CO]

The District shall establish standards for all foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day. These standards shall be addressed in the District’s wellness plan.

Wellness Goals

Nutrition Promotion and Education

Physical Activity

Other School-Based Activities

The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated school health program with a nutrition education component. [See EHAA] The District’s nutrition promotion activities shall encourage participation in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and any other supplemental food and nutrition programs offered by the District.

The District establishes the following goals for nutrition promotion:

The District’s food service staff, teachers, and other District person- nel shall consistently promote healthy nutrition messages in cafete- rias, classrooms, and other appropriate settings.

The District shall share educational nutrition information with fami- lies and the general public to promote healthy nutrition choices and positively influence the health of students.

The District establishes the following goals for nutrition education:

The District shall deliver nutrition education that fosters the adop- tion and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors.

The District shall make nutrition education a District-wide priority and shall integrate nutrition education into other areas of the curric- ulum, as appropriate.

The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated health program with physical education and physical activity com- ponents and shall offer at least the required amount of physical ac- tivity for all grades. [See BDF, EHAA, EHAB, and EHAC]

The District establishes the following goals for physical activity:

The District shall provide an environment that fosters safe, enjoya- ble, and developmentally appropriate fitness activities for all stu- dents, including those who are not participating in physical educa- tion classes or competitive sports.

The District shall encourage parents to support their children’s par- ticipation, to be active role models, and to include physical activity in family events.

The District shall encourage students, parents, staff, and commu- nity members to use the District’s recreational facilities, such as tracks, playgrounds, and the like, that are available outside of the school day. [See GKD]

The District establishes the following goals to create an environ- ment conducive to healthful eating and physical activity and to pro- mote and express a consistent wellness message through other school-based activities: The District shall allow sufficient time for



Public Notification

Records Retention

students to eat meals in cafeteria facilities that are clean, safe, and comfortable.

The assistant superintendent for administration shall oversee the implementation of this policy and the development and implemen- tation of the wellness plan and appropriate administrative proce- dures.

The District shall comply with federal requirements for evaluating this policy and the wellness plan.

The District shall annually inform and update the public about the content and implementation of the wellness policy, including post- ing on its website copies of the wellness policy, the wellness plan, and the required implementation assessment.

The District shall retain all the required records associated with the wellness policy, in accordance with law and the District’s records management program. [See CPC and FFA(LEGAL)]